Thursday, 21 March 2013

Becareful What You Say/Post Online!

Most people at one point get an embarrassing photo or video posted by accident or by a friend, Share lots of personal information on the internet,are not careful or read over what they send to people,...Or what they post online...But most of these people do not think about the possible risks or what there vulnerable to. Think about it once you post something on the internet its out there and there is no way of taking it back.

For exsample if your friend thought it would just be hilarious to post a very embarrassing photo of you. But you did not know until you logged on, you are going see it you tell your friend to take it off. Obviously they are going to, but then when you think about it who knows who decided to save it on to there phone or computer for revenge or something stupid one day
Another thing to think about the is the information you post online. Lets just say your on Facebook or on a dating site your updating your information and it asks for your address and mobile number. Think to yourself do I really want to give out personal information like that? You never know who is going to see that say there was some sick perverted idiot on Facebook! Looking for people online and they come across you

 Another thing to do is to becareful what you say or post online. Most people get in a fight with there friend or somebody at one point in there life.If your sending a message to somebody online.Sending a rude message a friend of your,s because you guys are in fight? Well First of all before you send it that’s cuber bullying you could get charged!,they could tell the school and get you suspended , they could report you to facebook and they could delete your account. Why risk these things happending   

Think before you post a photo think do I really want this out there? Before you post personal information do I really wanna risk some psychotic person getting my address and mobile number?Or do I really want to make this status or send this message?  

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